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Music is love. Louis Armstrong is right: What a wonderful world.


Global Music Awards: Current Honorees

Gold Medal Winner - Best of Show

Matt B, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Alkebulan II

World Music - Album

United States - United Kingdom

Gold Medal Winner

YenTing Lo




Gold Medal Winner

Lider Chang

Pause & Play

Instrumentalist - Audio Engineer

Gold Medal Winner

Gao Hong and Zhao Xiaoxia

Prelude to the Divine Realm

Duo - Instrumentalist

Gold Medal Winner

Daniel Pardo

Ese Momento

Instrumentalist - Album

Gold Medal Winner

Stephen Emmer

Mt. Mundane

Composer - Concept


Gold Medal Winner

Cliff Beach

Beach Please

Funk and Soul

Gold Medal Winner



World Fusion - Band - Creativity/Originality


Gold Medal Winner

Dan Costa



Silver Medal Winners - Outstanding Achievement

Alejandra Torres and Mark Richard (Spain), New Journeys, duo, instrumentalist

Andromeda Turre, From the Earth, jazz

Arcada String Quartet, He is Exalted, group, album LINK

Arnaud Fillion, Lviv Chamber Choir "Gloria", Lviv National Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra (France), Kune, contemporary classical

Barry Chung (Taiwan), The Rainbow-Chakras Nexus, new age, producer

Benny Turner, BT, blues

Brennan Rudy, 21st Century American Trumpet Sonatas, instrumentalist LINK

Bruce Babcock, Altius Quartet - The Present Moment, contemporary classical

Calliope Brass, Second Nature, contemporary classical

Chema Peñalver (Spain), Stretchin' Out, jazz, instrumentalist

Christian Perucchi and Alice Bernier (Spain), Big Time, original score LINK

Circuline, C.O.R.E., band, emerging artist, album art/graphics

Dallas String Quartet, London Symphony Orchestra, ROMANI: The Untold Story, composer, album

David Garcia (Panama), Concierto Para Piano y Orquesta n.º 24 en do Menor (K. 491), emerging artist

Egidija Medeksaite and Lukas Miceika (United Kingdom), Azaya, audiovisual performance

Elisa Vegas, David Garcia, Orquesta Filarmonica De Panamá, Paitilla Son Band, Maryalex Gonzalez, Karla Vargas, Yovani Mayora (Panama), Concierto Encuentro Entre Dos Naciones, classical

Gaspar de Holanda (Spain), Encuentros Flamenc@s, album

Gheorghe Zamfir, Prague Sinfonietta, Radek Baborák (United Kingdom), Elia Cmiral: Two Suites for Pan Flute and Orchestra, contemporary classical, composer LINK

Hao-Ting Shih & Tae-Young Yu, Mongrels, original score, 

Hao-Ting Shih, Waltz for Three, original score

Hauke Kranz - Die Tastenflüsterin (Germany), Beyond Boundaries, album LINK

I Musici Gemelli (Italy), Duo Pieces for Violin, duo, emerging artist LINK

Iasi Ensemble (Greece), Astris, composer, world music LINK

Irina Moreland, Denver Philharmonic Orchestra, Rachmaninoff, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, classical, new release

Juana Luna, Canciones en Blanco y Negro, Latin folk

Juju Xu (China), Blue Tide Rising - LifeAfter Soundtrack, game music

Juliana Soltis & Ruoting Li, American Woman, classical

Katarzyna Dondalska (Poland), Song of Songs, creativity/originality, composers

Katelyn Bouska, Hildegard And Her Sisters, classical

Katie Hardyman (Australia), Snowflake, holiday orchestral, original score

Kim Cameron, Don't Look Back, singer-songwriter

Larry Kass, Happy Holidays - Larry Kass Compilation, lyrics/songwriter, album LINK

Luis Alberto Naranjo (Spain), The Ancient Garden, concept album LINK

Marc Harris (United Kingdom), Symphony No.2 Aurora Nova, contemporary classical

Meiro Stamm (Belgium), Fiego and the Magic Fish, original score/sound track

Michael Curran, Ara: History Untold, game music

Michael Whalen, Watercolor Sky, new age, composer

Mu Ron Pon (Taiwan), Magnificent Highness, music video

Natan Dondalski, Anna Paras (Poland), Roman Statkowski: Works for Violin and Piano, album

Nicolas Arturo, Planes in the Sky, music video

Oscar Barcelli, Kilka, Latin jazz, composition

Peter Davison, Our Sweet Gift of Life, new age

Platix Zhang, Ddq, Whispers of Cloudlight V, soundtrack

Rmk, Junhan Chen, Ddq, Platix_Zhang, Frypanda_书豪, 9Hit, yichao, Perdoria Map Music, game music

Robin Hoffmann (Germany), Treasure Trackers, original score

Sarah Dukes, Washed Away, new age piano

Sherif Dahroug (France), Regards sur l'Horizon, composition LINK

Sofia Lourenço (Portugal), Caminos Andaluces, contemporary classical, album LINK

Sonny Morgan, Beach Solution, male vocalist

Sounds New of NACUSA, Jun, collaborative composers

Steven Chesne, Descendants (in 79 languages), world music, album

Tono Wisnu (Indonesia), Shadow of The Light, music video

Win Pongsakorn (Germany), Time Has Changed, jazz

YenTing Lo (Taiwan), The 13th Heron with Mateusz Pulawski, jazz fusion, creativity/originality, Land forms, folk jazz, and Off-Score, game music

Bronze Medal Winners - Finalists

Adrienne Cleary, Abstraction, composition, instrumentalist LINK LINK

Aivee Hsu (Taiwan), But Beautiful, jazz, female vocalist

Andrew Huang (Taiwan), Unspoken Goodbye, ballad

Annier Lee and Yun-Ping Liu (Taiwan), ¡Hola Aloha!, duo

Aruna Sairam, Raghupati Raaghava (India), Raghupati Raaghava, female vocalist LINK LINK

Behind the Beach House (Australia), Really, band LINK

BeHnam KhodaRahmi (Iran), Metacognition, Persian classical

Buckets, Looking, alternative rock LINK

Buff Dillard, Queen City Vibe II, smooth jazz, instrumentalist LINK

Carla Rose Kelly (Canada), Free to be Me, Free to be You, music medicine, Attunement to Love, music medicine

Carmen (Coco) Serrano-Bigles, You, Me and The Night, music video

Сергій Зінчук (Ukraine), Heroes, music video LINK

Christopher Rapkin, Viajar, flamenco

Dawn Weber, Keep Good Company, jazz, lyrics/songwriter

Dillan Schmitz, Romanticized Dreams of a Post-Apocalyptic Cowpoke, game music LINK

Dimitris Nezis, Dimitrios, dance music

Dungeon & Fighter, Nobody, game music

Eric Blanquicet (Panama), Por Mi Querida Panamá, male vocalist

Esbjerg Ensemble and Kristoffer Nyholm Hyldig, Chamber Music by Axel Borup-Jørgensen, contemporary classical

Gray Taylors, Hudson King: In My Memory & On Flowering Prayer, music video

Hemina Shah (Singapore), Gold, song

Ilya Noyabrev (Ukraine), Sky-Sky, music video

Jacquie Joy (Australia), Look At Us, country

Jarrett Roseborough, Hope, music video

Jay Horan (New Zealand), Compass of Silence and Pain, instrumental performance solo

Jean-Christophe Groffe (France), All We Get Is Life, music video

Jing Yang, Sentimental Romance, instrumentalist, album

Jonathan Galland, Colorful (feat. Danica Lipetsky), music video

Juju Xu (China), Careless Paradise - Theme Song From Once Human, game music, female vocalist

Katherine Farnham, The Little Drummer Boy, Christmas music

Kavitha Jayaraman (Singapore), Naan Oru Vilyattu Bommaiya, instrumentalist

Kenta Shoji (China), Night Rain Journey, song

Kobayashi Mika (China), Dark Flame, game music

Leti Garza, Corazon Abierto, female vocalist, creativity/originality LINK

Linda Marks, Hidden Bloodlines, Hidden Scars, lyrics/songwriter, listener impact

Lindsey Goodman & Clare Longendyke, In the Company of Music, contemporary classical

Louis Simão & Carlos Bernardo (Canada), From the Valley To The Mountain (Do Vale À Montanha) Volume 1, world music, album

Mariaelena Cruz, Betty Abreu De Di Polo, Frank Di Polo, Ignacio Salvatierra P (Panama), Tu Ausencia, trio, female vocalist

Matin Peymani (Denmark), Micro Space, contemporary classical

Meant2B, Changed On You, R&B

Medd & Shaw, Another Day, Americana, group

Mi Tian, Zhixuan Lin, Xiaoyun Huang, Shen Xiang, song

Michelle Lockey, Dig Deeper, Americana, Why Don't They Choose Me?, lyrics/songwriter LINK

Natalie Jean, My Body, music video

Nolan Williams, Jr., Rise Up & Fight, listener impact: content/message delivery

Oscar Musso Buendia (Spain), Mediterranean Dances, composition

Paul Abbott, Eminent Intent, bohemian fusion LINK

Pei Chin Lee (Taiwan), 腦內劇場 Brain Virtual Theater, composer, original score

Peter Sterling, Night Wind, new age, Golden Leaves of Fall, new age

Phillip Kanakis and Kathryn Shipley, Stand, world music

Platix_Zhang, Sky Lives on the Moon, song, Sanwangzhong (The Tomb of the Three Kings), song, music video

Platix_Zhang, FryPanda_书豪, 十音, Mi Tian, Qun Zhang, Chuhang Zhou, Eternal Night Star City, soundtrack

Portland Youth Philharmonic & David Hattner, First Symphonies - Premiere Recordings, classical

Qarabagh Ensemble, Ninnə Yarım, Azerbaijani traditional, male vocalist

Rmk, 段然-noVaTion, Yoto Hime Theme, soundtrack, game music

Rob Chaseman, Elasticity, concept, The Breeze is Divine, composer, album

Robin Simone (Not Specified), The Hollywood Medley, song

Stefanos Athinaios Frilingos, Gullabici Sk., world jazz

Stephen Lohan (Ireland), Do You Want Love, music video

Stew Aronson, Bring Back My Heart, Americana

Takagaki Ayahi (China), Eternal Tide, game music

Tasos Petsas and Christos Koutroufinis (Greece), Save You, electronic

Tatiana Darsht (Germany), Dragonfly, composition LINK

Todd Tappin, Heal My Mind, music video, lyrics/songwriting

Tom Bender, Dragonfly (ft. Justine Blazer), pop

Vayav Gidwaney, Sunset, composition

Wayo Hogan, Montana Stillwater, album, producer

Ying-Ying Tsai (Taiwan), Traveller 旅行者, creativity/originality

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